Healthy Recipes, Tips, Answers & News

Summer Activities and Chiropractic Care

Supporting Summer Activities with Chiropractic Care Summer is in full swing and this means increased activities. These can include sports, gardening or home improvement projects. In fact, according to the National Gardening Association, two out of three American households take part in some gardening activity each year. Chores vary regionally but include raking leaves, transplanting

Your Protection In A Car Accident

Chiropractic Care After an Auto Accident The insurance statistics say that the average person gets in a car accident at least once every five years. Over the years we have seen the greatest number of accidents, especially severe ones, in the summer months. How can you protect yourself in the event of this seemingly inevitable

The Truth About Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Chiropractic and Pregnancy: 7 Facts Every Woman Should Know If you’re pregnant, here are 7 reasons to consider chiropractic care! Roughly one-half of all mothers-to-be suffer from low back pain and many doctors now agree that pregnancy-related low back pain can be helped with chiropractic care. The following may be said about Chiropractic care during

Patient Appreciation Day

McCarron Lake Chiropractic clinic would like to invite all to our Patient Appreciation Day on Saturday, October 24th from 8:30 am to 12:00pm! Everyone is welcome, including current and new patients. We will be doing free adjustments (for current patients), free consultations (for new patients,) and free chair massage (for new and current patients.) We